"He must increase, but I must decrease." - John 3:30 ESV

Monday, September 23, 2013

Becca's Final Update

Everything is moving along!! Tomorrow, we expect our Article 5 to be dropped off in China, and we'll wait exactly two weeks for that process. Then we'll begin our wait for Travel Approval (TA) from the CCCWA. That should only take a few weeks, and then we'll get our Consulate Appointment and start booking all our travel!! Josh and I could be traveling in just 6 weeks or so!! We're getting really anxious, obviously, but we are trying to stay busy and enjoy each precious day that we have from the Lord. We know there are significant challenges ahead and probably many sleepless nights in the near future, so we're trying to prepare ourselves (and Sydney and Brody) as much as possible. We were able to get a letter to Becca last month. I hope it made sense to her, and I pray that she is getting lots of chances to get familiar with our faces through the photo album we sent a while back. We expect this to be a really tough transition for her. She is 3 years old, and institutionalized living is all she has ever known. She is not going to understand what a family is and will have absolutely NO idea what we are saying in English. We expect she will experience a grieving period, as she leaves the people who have cared for her this past year and the kids she has lived with for so long. We don't expect her to understand that life is about to change for the better, as she enters a forever family. As far as she knows, we are going to be two strangers who don't look like her and don't speak her language. So, please pray with us for Becca and our family as we enter a time of VERY intentional bonding and attachment. I have no doubt that God is going to do great things, because that is what our great God does! In Sydney's own words from tonight, "Something bad happens, and then BOOM! God just turns in right around." Beauty from ashes. I am so excited to see God transform the life and story of our precious Becca Fei, and we are just so thrilled to be first-hand witnesses! 

This afternoon we were SO excited to receive our final update from Becca's orphanage (final, what a beautiful word)!! This included her measurements so we have an idea of what size clothes and shoes to bring for her, as well as a couple of new pictures!! 

Is she not the most precious girl you've ever seen?!? Granted, I may be a little biased, but seriously...she is TOO CUTE! This is the first picture we've ever seen of her in a dress. ;) So sweet, even though I am really not a dress kinda girl. Be on the look out for more exciting news in the coming weeks!! Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement!!! We love you all!! 


  1. Eek! I commented last night from my phone, but I guess it didn't go through. I am SO excited for you. Becca is absolutely beautiful, and I can't wait to see her in her forever family's arms!
