"He must increase, but I must decrease." - John 3:30 ESV

Monday, August 19, 2013

Say what?!?

This is what the mantle at the Wolfe house looks like today....do you notice those 3 little letters?!?!

We got a call from our social worker today that our agency received the hard copy of our LOA (Letter of Acceptance) from China today!! This was MUCH faster than we were expecting, since it has only been 47 days since we received PA. What's next, you ask? We will be waiting for USCIS to process our I-800, so the US Consulate in GZ can access our immigration approval and file and Becca's visa will be getting processed. Then we'll begin waiting for TA (Travel Approval). Got all that? ;) At this point, our best guess is that we could travel in just 2-3 months to bring Becca Fei home!! 

Earlier this month, we sent a photo album to her orphanage, so that she can begin getting familiar with our faces. I am so grateful that she now knows she has a family, and that we are coming for her!! Please be praying that God would continue to prepare her heart, and that the photo album might help Becca to recognize us and ease with her transition. (You can also pray that Brody gets potty trained...just throwing that out there. He will not go to K in diapers, he will not go to K in diapers, he will not go to K in diapers. OK, now I feel better.)

On a more serious note, there are families that we know going through this China adoption process who have been waiting three times as long as us for their LOAs. My heart just aches for these sisters and brothers, but I hold onto the hope that God holds time in His hands and has a purpose for His glory and their good. Please join our family in praying for these blessed families that God will sustain them until the appointed time when they are able to bring their little lambs home!