Where in the cotton pickin' world did the last 5 months go?!? I cannot believe I have not had/found/made the time to get on here and update you wonderful folks who have prayed and cried and rejoiced with us this last year and half. I have been sporadic, at best, with posting mini updates on Facebook. I definitely plan to blog about our actual trip to China at some point (maybe when all three are in school!!), but first I wanted to give you all an update on being home as a family of five. I am SO sorry for the long silence - but hey, absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? ;)
I've decided that my only excuse reason for dropping off the face of the cyber-earth has been that we "adults" (I use that term very loosely) are now outnumbered. Two of us versus three little crazies; we are definitely learning and growing as parents. With two of them being 3 years old and one of them coming from a hard place, it's been 5 months of almost constant teaching, tantrums, disciplining, cleaning up accidents and spills, feeding, wiping, nursing sickies...you get the idea. Josh and I are switching from man-to-man to zone defense. We are having very good days and very bad days. But at the end of each day when the crazies are catching zzz's, I have no response but ABSOLUTE PRAISE to our Maker. He has made Becca Fei our daughter, our own -- just as He has made us His own. For some reason, He chose us (totally inadequate and exhausted over here!) to parent these three. To be a vessel for His love to flow through us to our children. Lord knows, that's the only thing we can do - put our hands up and ask Him to fill us, guide us, flip our mistakes on their head and point our children to Jesus.
These 5 months of adjustment have been tough, but they have also been full of little kid giggles x 3, tickle fights x 3, snuggly reading x 3, singing in the car x 3, everything x 3 -- God has multiplied our JOY! There is another little tot who now folds her hands at our dinner table as we say our family prayer; she sleeps in our cozy home and runs to us for boo boo kisses. She is absolutely AMAZING -- she is brave, she is stubborn, she is a fighter. But, she is literally the most loving child I've ever known. She is charming, she is smart as a whip, and she is hilarious. It has been such an incredible experience to watch her open up and begin to blossom. There have been so many "firsts" for Becca Fei in the past 5 months...first airplane ride (looooongest day of my life), her first Thanksgiving, first time in a car seat, first Christmas, first road trip, first pair of glasses, all kinds of first foods, first time in the snow, first wedding, first time swimming, first time at church, first canoe ride...almost every day has brought a new experience for her.

She is now running, signing, counting, sorting, and exploring!!! She understands most basic English now, but she also remembers her friends from China (particularly her best buddy Micah -- seriously, we may be arranging a marriage). And she's opening up to us, as trust has been built. Just tonight as I was rocking her at bedtime, she signed "mommy, daddy, airplane" then "Becca Fei sad airplane; happy now." SHE IS SUCH A UNDESERVED GIFT to our family. Most days I cannot even process or bear the thought of her not being here in our family or going to bed in the orphanage. PRAISE is my only response. PRAISE TO JESUS...for stirring our hearts toward adoption, for being in every detail, for providing the funds, for walking this road with us. And He remains, because the journey is not over.
Miss Becca Fei is getting ready to undergo surgery this coming Monday. This surgery will be the first of a series to repair her cleft palate, and she'll be getting tubes in her ears as well. I have confidence in the surgeons and am mostly just ecstatic to give her the gift of speech (and hopefully better hearing)! And, I'm so thankful that from now on, she won't have to go through surgeries and therapy alone. She'll have her Mommy & Daddy right there with her! So, PRAISE HIM with us!! But, we also covet your intercessory prayers, friends...we know this recovery is expected to be miserable. Her mouth is going to be painful and itchy, and she will be in arm restraints for a couple of weeks to allow healing to take place. And, to top it off, she is a finger sucker/biter. So, please pray for our sweet girl; and then pray for me...and send me Coke/coffee/chocolate/donuts. :) Haha. But seriously, we are praying hard (1) that this surgery will not set back our attachment/bonding and Becca's sense of security/trust with us and (2) that God will supply the love and attention Sydney & Brody need during the stretch of time when Becca will require 100% care. She has handled so many "big" things amazingly well - we shall see about this one. Whatever the path ahead, our God is mighty and faithful! This is HIS story, and HIS stories are simply the best!
Psalm 68:3-6
But let the righteous be glad; let them exult before God;
Yes, let them rejoice with gladness.
Sing to God, sing praises to His name;
Lift up a song for Him who rides through the deserts,
Whose name is the LORD, and exult before Him.
A father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows
Is God in His holy habitation.
God makes a home for the lonely;
He leads out the prisoners into prosperity,
Only the rebellious dwell in a parched land.